'Sweet Cap'n Cakes' is the motif of the musical trio of the same name, and as such is somewhat complex, featuring two halves and a percussion beat/bassline:
('Sweet Cap'n Cakes A', as heard in Almost to the Guys! )
('Sweet Cap'n Cakes B', as heard in Cyber Battle (Solo) )
('Sweet Cap'n Cakes (Cool Beat)', as heard in cyber_battle.ogg )
Similar to Napstablook's motif in Undertale , 'Ghost Fight', 'Sweet Cap'n Cakes' is used quite a lot throughout Deltarune Chapter 2 , even appearing as the backing melody of A CYBER'S WORLD? and WELCOME TO THE CITY .
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A': 0:00-1:05, 2:27-2:44
Later in the song, 'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A' is played in a modified state underneath a quote of 'A CYBER'S WORLD B' :
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A': 1:22-1:38
Almost to the Guys!
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A': 0:00-0:17
Cool Beat
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes (Cool Beat)': 0:00-0:08
Note that Cool Beat only has the percussion.
Cyber Battle (Solo)
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A (+ Cool Beat)': 0:00-0:15
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes B (+ Cool Beat)': 0:15-0:30
From there, 'Sweet Cap'n Cakes (Cool Beat)' continues to play for the rest of the song, underneath extrapolations of the main melody:
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes (Cool Beat)': 0:30-1:47
(Proper breakdown of that forthcoming)
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes (Cool Beat)': 0:00-0:08
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A (+ Cool Beat)': 0:08-0:24
When I Get Happy I Dance Like This
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A (+ Cool Beat)': 0:01-0:18
Sound Studio
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A (+ Cool Beat)': 0:00-0:33
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes B (+ Cool Beat)': 0:33-1:06
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A': 0:00-0:50
(See also: 'A CYBER'S WORLD' )
cybercity_old.ogg is an unused version of WELCOME TO THE CITY that's noticeably faster than the used version. Aside from the speed though, they're exactly the same, so it won't be discussed here.
Mini Studio
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A': 0:00-0:33
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes B': 0:33-0:49
Holiday Studio
First, 'Sweet Cap'n Cakes (Cool Beat)' plays underneath 'Jingle Bells' :
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes (Cool Beat)': 0:00-0:33
And then underneath 'Sweet Cap'n Cakes B':
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes B (+ Cool Beat)': 0:33-1:06
'Sweet Cap'n Cakes A': 0:00-2:21
(See also: 'A CYBER'S WORLD' )