JCoxeye's Leitmotif Index:
'Hometown (Extra)'
'Girl Next Door (Extra)'


'Girl Next Door' and 'Hometown' are two relatively important leitmotifs in the Deltarune soundtrack.

'Girl Next Door' is the theme of Noelle, a very prominent character, and 'Hometown' is the theme of Hometown, the setting of the game.

('Girl Next Door' A and B, as heard in Ferris Wheel)

('Hometown', as heard in A Town Called Hometown)

The leitmotifs themselves are fairly distinct, but 'Girl Next Door' is often capped off with a particular melody:

('Girl Next Door (Extra)' as heard in Ferris Wheel)

Which bears a striking similarity to the melody Hometown and its derivatives use to cap off phrases of 'Hopes and Dreams':

('Hometown (Extra 2)' as heard in A Town Called Hometown)

This article aims to disambiguate these two motifs, analyzing them and providing a reasoning as to their separation in this index.